President's Message

Late in January, Susan Kent, the LA City Librarian, hosted a Saturday meeting of Friends Group representatives at the Central Library. The meeting was intended to provide an opportunity for Library staff to review some recently published Guidelines.  In addition, we were asked to provide other items for discussion. To my recollection, this meeting was a real first.

Most LAPL branches participated; about 150 representatives (including Senior Librarians) attended the meeting. The actual agenda turned out to be heavily focused on how to organize Friends groups, new technology, branch staffing, and an update on new libraries. Unfortunately, due to a crowded agenda, almost no time was allowed for reviewing the new Guidelines or to discuss branch issues. 

On the other hand, I am sure Susan Kent and the “downtown” senior staff realized the extent of the Friends groups’ involvement and the interest everyone had in promoting the library system. She indicated there would be subsequent meetings. She also made a concerted effort to meet everyone individually, which I thought was a real class act. Hopefully, we gained some recognition for our super-productive Bookstore, excellent Newsletter (edited and published through the efforts of Therese Hearn and David Perrell) and Website.

Back Home at Platt

It has been a busy time for Platt volunteers. The Board unanimously voted that all proceeds from Children's Boutiques, past and present, be used to purchase books for children in residence at the Haven Hills Crisis Shelter. See Fundraising News for a report on the much-appreciated results.

We had two excellent programs in February, thanks to Program Chair Frona DeCovnick. Our General Meeting speaker, Jaye Howes, gave a presentation on the history of Women in Aviation. Later in the month, Ellen Pangarliotas from the League of Women Voters reviewed the propositions on the March 2 ballot.

And thanks to Bookstore Manager Shel Schuster and our industrious volunteers, we had another splendid Super Used Book Sale. Shel also reports that Bookstore sales are still strong, even with other recent branch openings.

Real Photo Op Coming Soon

May 18 is an upcoming date to remember. On that Tuesday at 7 pm, Gil Garcetti will give us a first-hand account of the photo project that turned LA County's former DA into a nationally acclaimed photographer. We'll also be electing Board officers for the 2004–2005 term at our 6:30 pm General Meeting.

Terry Haney, President

The Friends of the Platt Library Newsletter is produced and maintained by Hearn/Perrell Art Associates. Editor: Therese Hearn
Artwork, photos and information are copyrighted by their respective Authors, the Friends of the Platt Library, and/or Hearn/Perrell Art Associates and may not be reprinted without permission.
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