President's Message

After about 2 years of patiently describing to the downtown-powers-that-be the virtues of having security cameras—we now have them (at least some in the rotunda and entry lobby). According to Lynn Light, our Senior Librarian, the cameras are already having some impact on the conduct of our middle school youngsters. Now we want to get some signs up, which shouldn't be too much of a problem. In the meantime, be sure to point the cameras out to any misbehaving juniors (or seniors) and ask them to smile.

Another piece of good news is that the communications room where Shel and his helpers do the donated book sorting has been remodeled to give us somewhat more room. To facilitate this improvement, the Friends covered the $2,900 remodeling cost.

April Sale Stays Strong

We had a very successful April Super Used Book Sale—netting $3156. Due to the unceasing efforts of Book Sales Manager Shel Schuster and a bevy of Friends and volunteers, over a 9-year period we have raised over $225,000 for Platt Library. I doubt that there are any other libraries in the LAPL system that come close to that total. I know of none in the Valley, for sure. (See page 7 for Shel's more detailed report.)

Year-end Finale

Our last General Meeting for this fiscal year was held on May 18th, capped by art photographer Gil Garcetti's highly-enjoyable presentation on the new Disney Concert Hall and his other projects. Again, thanks to Frona DeCovnick, our out-going program chairperson, for all of her hard work on putting together a really stellar set of programs over the past two years.

This meeting also focused on the election of new officers for the next two years, officially for the 2004–2005 term. We had a full slate of nominees for various positions, and we are about to experience a “regime change” (as the saying goes). For a rundown on incoming officers—which includes our new President, Frona DeCovnick—see page 6.

A Fond Farewell

Speaking of outgoing persons, this will be my last hurrah.

Our Newsletter Editor isn't giving me half enough space to reminisce on all the contributions our Board members have made during my tenure. Nor do I have room to thank each one as fully as they deserve. Just the highlights, in order of their office:

It has been a real pleasure working with such a fine Board. Together we have accomplished a lot.  Many thanks to all who have helped.  You are a great group.

Terry Haney, President 2002–2004

The Friends of the Platt Library Newsletter is produced and maintained by Hearn/Perrell Art Associates. Editor: Therese Hearn
Artwork, photos and information are copyrighted by their respective Authors, the Friends of the Platt Library, and/or Hearn/Perrell Art Associates and may not be reprinted without permission.
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