One More To Go Before New Years!

If you missed the last Super Used Book Sale, you'll have a chance to stock up at our next: a yearend sale, December 13 (preview) and December 14. Donations keep pouring in (thanks!), and our super volunteers are still donating time to make sure our sales are successful.

Thanks to Barbara Abromovitch, Ed & Millie Berger, Eileen Bernfeld, Pam Bieber, Elaine & Sandi Corman, Frona & Stan DeCovnick, Fay Deen Doyen, Dorothy East, Vivian Estabrook, Muriel & Sid Eiduson, Ken Fermoyle, Ann Fisk, Jesse Goldbaum, Sharon Gugler, Ellie & Terry Haney, Therese Hearn, JoAnn Hilston, Eva Huemrich, Rich Imbro, Paul Kennedy, Leatha King, Jeff Koetje, Richard Lee, Ethel Margolin, Mary Ann Ostrom, John & Nancy Reeve, Peggy Richman, Dick Schmidt, Sharon Schuster, Harriet Strauss, Michelle Watts, and Margaret Young for all their help at the October book sale. Super Thanks to Millie Berger and Warren Bromund, who spend hours sorting the donated books. And Super Super Thanks to Shel Schuster, Bookstore Manager, who is involved in all aspects: checking on books, sorting, pricing and supervising book sales. They are all tireless in their efforts.

The bookstore is doing very well. We have great volunteers, regular and subs. Join us.

Elaine Corman, Volunteer Coordinator


Children's Boutique

December 7, 12 noon to 3 pm

We need volunteers to help the children select their purchases—and plenty of gift-wrappers. Last year we bottlenecked every time a young shopper presented a bagfull of items that had to be wrapped individually. The more, in this case, is definitely the merrier.

E-mail Fundraising V.P. Mary Ann Ostrom

GAB Readers Needed!

Make a difference by volunteering to read to children 2 hours a week at Platt Branch Library.

Mandatory training will be provided to anyone interested in joining our “Grandparents and Books” program—and can make at least a 6-month commitment.

For further information, please contact Children's Librarian Vicki Migliori at (818) 340-9386.

The Friends of the Platt Library Newsletter is produced and maintained by Hearn/Perrell Art Associates. Editor: Therese Hearn
Artwork, photos and information are copyrighted by their respective Authors, the Friends of the Platt Library, and/or Hearn/Perrell Art Associates and may not be reprinted without permission.
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