President's Message

Birthday Event

With the concerted effort of many volunteers, we added another shining candle to Platt's birthday cake. Some solicited and picked up donations of food, drinks, and materials from local businesses. Others spent many hours setting up and cleaning up, serving refreshments, assisting with crafts, body tattooing, face painting, and book selling. Many thanks to Sue Schuster for sewing the beautiful birthday quilt, and to Shel Schuster for his always spectacular used book sale. Everyone who pitched in certainly deserves a well-earned pat on the back.

Time For a Change

It's June once more and the end of the 2001–2002 term of the Friends Board. After three years as President it's time for me to pass the gavel on to new and capable hands. Before I do, I would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted me in so many ways over those years. To this year's Board, you made my job not only easier, but one filled with genuine pleasure.

Sincerest thanks to Ruth Bromund for meticulously handling the job of Membership with its reams of record keeping…to Treasurer Terry Haney for carefully watching pennies as well as dollars as he wrote all those checks…to Mary Ann Ostrom, Fund raising, for the creative children's boutique and other money makers…and to Ellie Haney for secretarial patience with us all as she faithfully recorded those long meeting discussions.

Grateful appreciation is owed to Paula Russo whose way with words enhances so many donation acknowledgments…to Therese Hearn and David Perrell for making both the newsletter and web site eminently professional in appearance and content…to Frona DeCovnick for searching out and securing fabulously interesting speakers…to Annie Haas for diligent efforts to pry some publicity from local newspapers…to Eileen O'Neill for graciously serving us treats meeting, after meeting, after meeting…to the unsung Eileen Bernfeld for making those historian's albums a treat for the eyes…to Hermalee Schmidt for her wisdom and direction when dealing in the civic arena…to Pam Bieber for helping to get our newsletters out in the mail on time…to Shel Schuster for his unbelievable dedication in handling and selling literally mountains of used books…to Elaine Corman who somehow heroically manages to secure volunteers for every single book sale and event during the year and then fills in when volunteers can't come…to Jan Metzler for putting up with my constant requests for Librarian decisions and choices…and finally to Harriet Strauss who as Past President for three years not only assisted Elaine, but answered at least four million questions from me, and never refused to do “one more little task.” You are, each and every one, deeply treasured by me as both “Platt's” and “personal” Friends.

Millie Berger, President 1999–2002

The Friends of the Platt Library Newsletter is produced and maintained by Hearn/Perrell Art Associates. Editor: Therese Hearn
Artwork, photos and information are copyrighted by their respective Authors, the Friends of the Platt Library, and/or Hearn/Perrell Art Associates and may not be reprinted without permission.
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