New Members

They just keep joining! We now send 435 newsletters to individuals, families, schools, and businesses that support our mission of improving the Platt Library. Many thanks to the following who joined between the last newsletter and March 6, 2002:

Life Members: Don & Norma Herbert and Steven C. Sperber

Nikoo Allami
Dr. Harold Coralnick
Mildred Holmstrom
Coby & Steve Kibrick
Francis Lam
John & Diane Milan

Janis Mortillaro
The Pfaff Family
Amy Schreiber
Rod Samonte
Christine Thiele
Jean Utley

BIRTHDAY BONUS--Three months free

Ask your friends and neighbors to join now. Anyone joining at this time gets a "Birthday Bonus" of three free months. This includes one newsletter and entry into two extra members-only book sales. Have them fill out and submit the application below.

Job available--anyone interested?

My second term expires June 30, and our bylaws say that is my limit without using our version of Prop 45. So…is there someone among us who would like to do these short articles (only five times a year) and keep track of the membership as it grows?

All you need is a computer, minimal computer literacy, and a willingness to learn a word processing program and a database, which we’ll supply. I admit, the pay is non-existent, but the satisfaction is high. If you think you even might be interested, please contact Elaine Corman (347-5602) or me.

Ruth Bromund,
Membership V.P. 887-9227

Be a Friend!

Memberships in the Friends of the Platt Library are win-win relationships. Besides providing additional funding for our library, they also give opportunities for new friendships, socializing, and volunteering—as well as community recognition for your support of a worthy cause. If that's not enough incentive, you also get a printed copy of this newsletter in the mail…what an excellent investment!

To become a member, give a membership as a gift, or renew your existing membership, just fill out the form below and click the ‘PRINT’ button. Write a check payable to Friends of the Platt Library and send it along with the printed form to:

Friends of the Platt Library
23600 Victory Boulevard
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

...or bring them to the library in person. Thank you!


I/we want to join/ renew for the July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 membership period at this membership level:


  Life – $200 one-time payment

  Supporting – $25

  Business/school – $100

  Basic Family – $15

  Sustaining – $50

  Basic Individual – $10

I have enclosed my company's gift matching form to double my money.

Please contact me/us about volunteering to help with library or Friends activities.





Phone (day) 


E-mail address 

Business Members

Click on a business card to open a member's website.

The Friends of the Platt Library Newsletter is produced and maintained by Hearn/Perrell Art Associates. Editor: Therese Hearn
Artwork, photos and information are copyrighted by their respective Authors, the Friends of the Platt Library, and/or Hearn/Perrell Art Associates and may not be reprinted without permission.
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