Thanks to the generous donors of books and volunteers who gave of their time, the Friends had a successful year raising money for Platt…both in the bookstore and at our super, super book sales. We are fortunate in having so many who contribute their time and effort.

Thanks to volunteers at our December book sale: Barbara Abromovitch, Ed Berger, Eileen Bernfeld, Pam Bieber, Ruth & Warren Bromund, Sandi & Elaine Corman, Patty Dant, Frona & Stan DeCovnick, Dan & Lynn Durbin, Muriel & Sid Eiduson, Ken Fermoyle, Jesse Goldbaum, Ellie & Terry Haney, Marianne Hilliard, JoAnn Hilston, Pearl Kalechstein, Paul Kennedy, Leatha King, Jeff Koetje, Willa Kurtz, Barbara Littlefield, Ellen Marshall, CeCe Mestman, Eileen O'Neill, Darris Reilly, Peggy Richman, Paula Russo, Sharon & Shel Schuster, Sue Schuster, Harriet Strauss, Joan & Ray Wagner, and Margaret Young.

Special thanks to Warren Bromund and Millie Berger, who also spent many hours in the back room helping Shel Schuster sort out and ready books donated for the sales. And thanks as well to those volunteers who man the bookstore each day.

Welcome again to the new library patrons whose libraries are being rebuilt.

Any Friends who would like to volunteer in the bookstore or at book sales, please contact Elaine Corman, Bookstore Volunteer Coordinator, at (818) 347-5602 or volunteer@plattlibrary.org.

Elaine Corman, Volunteer Coordinator

The Friends of the Platt Library Newsletter is produced and maintained by Hearn/Perrell Art Associates. Editor: Therese Hearn
Artwork, photos and information are copyrighted by their respective Authors, the Friends of the Platt Library, and/or Hearn/Perrell Art Associates and may not be reprinted without permission.
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