President's Message

Gifts to the Community

The Board of Library Commissioners, the governing body for all of the libraries in Los Angeles, recently met at the West Valley Regional Library. It was a good opportunity to observe their meeting and to interact with both Commissioners and staff. Each public body provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the group on any subject. I always seem to have a few words to share. This time I brought two gifts.

The first gift was a 90-year-old book, Due Process of Law, that had been donated by Mary Van Houten. In the last newsletter we recognized the monetary and book contributions of the BUM 1998 Trust that Mary was part of. After checking the value of the book, we asked Central Librarian Anne Conner if she might be interested in keeping the book as part of the Central Library collection. She was very happy to have the addition as Central did not have a copy of it.

The second gift was a $20,000 check for books and materials for Platt Library. It is the Friends annual contribution to supplement the budget provided by the City. The funds will be used for books, magazines, CD's, and DVD's to enhance the Platt collection.

These two gifts brought to mind the many gifts the Friends are providing to the community in 2007–08 thanks to your generosity, such as:

Thank you for making it possible to provide such a wealth of gifts to the Platt community!

Honor Role of Superlative Volunteers!

Our deep thanks to —

Sharon Schuster, President

The Friends of the Platt Library Newsletter is produced and maintained by Hearn/Perrell Art Associates. Editor: Therese Hearn
Artwork, photos and information are copyrighted by their respective Authors, the Friends of the Platt Library, and/or Hearn/Perrell Art Associates and may not be reprinted without permission.
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