After you've read them, don't shelve them to collect dust. Donate them to the Friends! The best ones go in the Library and the rest are sold in the bookstore to raise funds for (what else?) NEW BOOKS!
Welcome to a former Friends of the Platt Library website. This site contains a reference library of FOPL newsletters designed, produced and hosted by Hearn/Perrell Art Associates from June 2001–June 2008. The newsletters are retained as a reference to past Friends group & library activities. Click the ‘NEWSLETTERS’ button above to peruse the newsletters.
H/PAA also produced the print versions of the newsletters plus a great deal of collateral material for special events and excursions. Unless otherwise noted, photographs (and photo composites) of Friends & library activities are by us.
This site is not an extension of the official Friends website, which is now being managed by another Friends member. The current Friends of the Platt Library website will always be found at